in Standard ML, where it is known as a fold. Now, we'll translate those folds into Python. Let's keep calling them folds, reserving reduce for describing the existing Python function. The main challenge in the translation process is that Python doesn't have the right data types—Python's lists are actually arrays, not (linked) lists. As a first step, introduce two classes
and Nil
to define linked lists:class Cons(object):With these classes, we can construct lists in a Lisp-like fashion:
def __init__(self, head, tail):
self.head = head
self.tail = tail
def __iter__(self):
lnkLst = self
while True:
if lnkLst.isNull():
yield lnkLst.head
lnkLst = lnkLst.tail
def __repr__(self):
return "Cons(%s, %s)" % (repr(self.head), repr(self.tail))
def isNull(self):
return False
class Nil(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "Nil()"
def __iter__(self):
if False:
def isNull(self):
return True
Cons(0, Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Nil())))))For convenience, we'll also introduce a function to convert a Python list into a linked list:
def fromList(lst):Using
lnkLst = Nil()
for x in lst[::-1]:
lnkLst = Cons(x, lnkLst)
return lnkLst
is a lot easier than nesting Cons
repeatedly, as shown above.With linked lists available, it is easy to define a (left) fold:
def fold_recur(function, init, linkedList):I'll note two important differences between the SML folds and
if linkedList.isNull():
result = init
acc = function(init, linkedList.head)
result = fold_recur(function, acc, linkedList.tail)
return result
. First, the arguments to the function
taken by fold_recur
are reversed from those taken by its SML counterpart, in order to match Python's reduce
. Second, and far more importantly, fold_recur
is terribly broken because it is a tail recursive function, but only has Python's broken support for recursion to draw on. Trying to use fold_recur
will cause stack overflows when the list is too long—that is, containing 1000 elements with the default recursion limit1.To rectify this problem, we need to transform
by hand into an imperative version. Fortunately, fold_recur
is constructed in an iterative form, so the transformation is easy:def fold_imper(function, init, linkedList):With the imperative definition, our fold will not cause a stack overflow.
acc = init
while not linkedList.isNull():
acc = function(acc, linkedList.head)
linkedList = linkedList.tail
return acc
Since we've defined linked lists to be iterable, we can still make our fold a bit more elegant:
def fold_ll_iter(function, init, linkedList):Although
acc = init
for x in linkedList:
acc = function(acc, x)
return acc
was obtained by iterating over a linked list, it will work with any iterable. Rewrite it to make that clearer:def fold_iter(function, init, iterable):Through this process, the deconstruction of a data structure has been shifted from SML fold functions to Python iterators. This is unsurprising: in Python, it is quite standard to use iterators to deconstruct data structures. It is not completely equivalent, but covers many cases.
acc = init
for x in iterable:
acc = function(acc, x)
return acc
The iterator approach suggests another modification of fold, which is normally called scan:
def scan(function, init, iterable):
acc = init
yield acc
for x in iterable:
acc = function(acc, x)
yield acc
function processes the list in the same sequence, yielding values accumulated at each step along the way. Using scan
, we define one last version of fold
:def fold(function, init, iterable):
for x in scan(function, init, iterable): pass
return x
We can use
and fold
to define many useful functions in a simple manner. For example:import operatorI think these functions illustrate rather well the difference between
def sum(numbers): return fold(operator.add, 0, numbers)
def cumsum(numbers): return scan(operator.add, 0, numbers)
def product(numbers): return fold(operator.mul, 1, numbers)
def cumproduct(numbers): return scan(operator.mul, 1, numbers)
and scan
. In sum
, we use fold
to total up the numbers in a list, while in cumsum
we use scan
to generate the partial sums as we proceed through the list. The product
and cumproduct
functions are similar. More complex functions are possible as well. Consider finding the three smallest items in a list. This can be done in linear time by iterating through the list and keeping track of the three smallest as we proceed. But that's exactly what
is for! The accumulator is a collection of the three smallest items, and we just need a function to update that. Putting that together:def min3(lst):For simplicity, I've assumed that
def comp(acc, x):
a,b,c = acc
if x < a:
result = x,a,b
elif x < b:
result = a,x,b
elif x < c:
result = a,b,x
result = acc
return result
init = sorted(lst[:3])
return fold(comp, init, lst[3:])
takes a list, but it could easily be modified to work with any iterable. I've presented a lot of program code in this post, transforming a direct translation of the SML folds into function that are defined in a more natural way for Python. Next time, I'll digress briefly to present an alternative structure that has some practical advantages over what's been shown here, then return to examining why
doesn't see much use in Python.1 In practice, this might as well read that the limit is 1000 elements, end of story. The limit can be increased with
, but "a too-high limit can lead to a crash."
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