All well and good, but there are tasks that are of interest across most or all modes. A prime example for a programmer's editor like SEE is commenting out lines. The basics are the same regardless of language: the line needs to begin with a specific string to indicate a comment. But the specifics do matter: Python needs hashes
for comments, Lua needs a double hyphen --
, and so on. We'd thus like to have scripts that are modeless, present in any mode, but that are customizable, appropriate to any mode. Such an AppleScript needs to go into the global scripts menu for SEE, but still allow each mode to define how the behavior of the script should be implemented.
Here's how to do it. We use an AppleScript to capture the basics of a given pattern, such as determining which lines should be commented out. The AppleScript then calls a shell script specified for the current mode.
All the components for this task have been presented previously on this blog, with code indentation exemplifying the approach. I'll use SubEthaEditTools to implement the AppleScripts. The mode-specific customization is done using a plist of environment variables. Particular tasks are done by writing an AppleScript that calls a shell command stored in an environment variable in the plist; the use of SubEthaEditTools makes these scripts quite brief.
Opening the plist is done with this script:
if not documentIsAvailable() thenThe
on seescriptsettings()
return {displayName:"Customize Mode...", shortDisplayName:"Environment", inContextMenu:"no"}
end seescriptsettings
command is not part of AppleScript, it is an m4
macro used to modularize the scripts. The logic is simple: make sure there is a document available, then use its mode to open the mode-specific environment settings.For a particular function we include the common features and call out to the shell to do the rest. For adding or removing line-oriented comments, I used:
if not documentIsAvailable() thenAgain, the logic is simple: get the
if (modeSetting for "COMMENTER") is missing value then
display alert "Commenting not available." message "You need to define COMMENTER for the mode."
set outText to shellTransform of selectionText() for modeEnvironment() through "eval $COMMENTER" without alteringLineEndings
setSelectionText to outText
-- SubEthaEdit settings
on seescriptsettings()
{displayName:"Un/Comment Selected Lines", keyboardShortcut:"@/", inContextMenu:"yes"}
end seescriptsettings
shell command from the mode-specific environment for the front current document, and use it to transform the selected lines. So what should the shell command be? One possibility is the comment script presented in the preceding post. Some examples are given in that post: use those as the value in the environment variable plist, with COMMENTER as the key. There is no default comment method, so it's necessary to provide values for each of the modes you use. In practice, this isn't bad, since you can often just copy and paste between modes with minimal or no changes.
It's just as easy to define a script for block comments, such as those used in C or SML. I'll omit the details.
The AppleScripts and some supporting scripts are available for download.