Below, I present
, an awk script that handles line-oriented comments, taking indentation into account. Lines to comment or uncomment are read from Standard Input, and the processed lines are written to Standard Output. The script uses the current commenting of the lines to determine whether to comment or uncomment. There are two options that can be set. First, there is the
, which defines an indentation level; this defaults to the (basically useless) Unix standard of an eight-space tab. You'll almost always want to set this, even if you're using tabs, not spaces, for indentation. Second, there is the CommentString
, whose meaning should be obvious; this defaults to the hash character #
common to many programming languages. As an example, a nice choice for Python could be
line-comment TabWidth=4
, while for Scala line-comment TabWidth=2 CommentString="//"
would be more suitable. Update: If the script doesn't seem to work, try setting the environment variable
. This is relevant if you want to call it from SubEthaEdit: SEE uses COMMAND_MODE=legacy
, which can cause the regular expressions to fail to match. The script is unchanged:
#! /usr/bin/awk -f
function trimIndent(text, indRE, n, tokens) {
# Returns the text with the indentation removed. Sets
# global variable IndentLevel to show how many
# indentation levels were removed.
n = split(text, tokens, indRE)
if (n > 1) {
IndentLevel = n-1
rest = tokens[n]
} else {
IndentLevel = 0
rest = text
return rest
function commentIndex(txt, commtxt, n) {
n = index(txt, commtxt)
if (n > 0 && substr(txt, 1, n-1) !~ /^[ \t]*$/) {
n = 0
return n
function noncommentPrefix(txt) {
return match(txt, /^[ \t]*/) ? substr(txt, 1, RLENGTH) : ""
function multiString(str, mult, n, mstr) {
mstr = ""
for (n=0; n<mult; n++) {
mstr = mstr str
return mstr
function offsetString(offset) {
return multiString(" ", offset)
NR == 1 {
# Establish regex based on tab settings. This comes after
# the BEGIN to allow the TabWidth to be overriden.
indentRegex = "( {0,"(TabWidth-1)"}\t| {"TabWidth"})"
# indentRegex = "( {0,3}\t|"offsetString(TabWidth)")"
# Common processing for all lines. Divide the line into a
# prefix of whitespace, followed immediately by the
# comment string, if present, or a non-tab, non-space
# character if not. The prefix consists of indentation
# steps followed by an offset, defined as a number of spaces
# insufficient to constitute an indentation step.
Line[NR] = $0
commInd = commentIndex($0, CommentString)
if (commInd > 0) {
prefix = substr($0, 1, commInd-1)
CommentPosition[NR] = commInd
} else {
prefix = noncommentPrefix($0)
offset = length(trimIndent(prefix, indentRegex))
NR == 1 {
BaseOffset = offset
BaseIndent = IndentLevel
MinOffset = BaseOffset
MinIndent = BaseIndent
NR > 1 {
if (IndentLevel < MinIndent ) {
MinIndent = IndentLevel
MinOffset = 0
} else if (offset < MinOffset) {
MinOffset = offset
commLen = length(CommentString)
if (length(CommentPosition) == length(Line) && MinIndent == BaseIndent && MinOffset == BaseOffset) {
for (n=1; n<=NR; n++) {
commPos = CommentPosition[n]
print substr(Line[n], 1, commPos-1) substr(Line[n], commLen+commPos)
} else {
indentPart = MinIndent ? indentRegex"{"MinIndent"}" : ""
# indentPart = multiString(indentRegex, MinIndent)
offsetPart = offsetString(MinOffset)
# offsetPart = offsetString(MinOffset)
commRegex = "^" indentPart offsetPart
for (n=1; n<=NR; n++) {
match(Line[n], commRegex)
print substr(Line[n], 1, RLENGTH) CommentString substr(Line[n], 1+RLENGTH)
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