I'll not be working directly with SubEthaEdit's AppleScript dictionary, instead using my SubEthaEditTools handlers as a basis. Should anyone be interested in connecting Ctags to another Mac OS X editor that supports AppleScript, it would probably be better to port the SubEthaEditTools handlers to work with the editor and directly use the scripts I'll present here.
As a general design strategy, I'll identify two AppleScript error numbers with expected behaviors. First, I'll use number 901 to indicate that tag processing should be abandoned. Second, I'll use number 902 to indicate that an error of known type has occurred. This lets me handle a broad class of troubles by either quietly exiting, or beeping then exiting. Any other errors will just be unhandled, causing SubEthaEdit to show a sheet with details of the error.
Additionally, I'll need to define a search path for shell tools. Rather than using a customizable environment as I've done before, I'll just define one as an AppleScript property:
property UnixPath : "export PATH=\"$HOME/Library/Application Support/SubEthaEdit/bin:/Library/Application Support/SubEthaEdit/bin:$HOME/Library/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin\";"
To find the tags file, I first need to make sure a document is available to use as the starting point for the search. Second, I just need to call out to the shell with an appropriate command. Encapsulating these in handlers, I define:
on requireValidDocumentForCtags()
if not documentIsAvailable() then
error "No document open" number 902
end if
checkSaveStatus without updating
end requireValidDocumentForCtags
to findTagFile()
set findTagfileScript to (join of {UnixPath, "climb", "-b \"$(dirname", quoted form of documentPath(), ")\"", "tags"} by space)
do shell script findTagfileScript
on error
error "Unable to locate tags file"
end try
end findTagFile
Getting the candidate tag is harder than getting the path to the tag file, mostly because it is not as well-defined of a task. Since Ctags can index lots of different languages, it won't be easy to get a solution that is right for every language. Instead, I'll define a handler that works reasonably for a lot of languages, and maintains the possibility for the user to specify the candidate precisely. This latter case is straightforward: if there is text selected in SEE, we'll search for that tag.
When no text is selected, we need to get a candidate tag in some other way. To me, it makes sense that finding symbol definitions should let the user give a term in a dialog, and that text completion should work by using the text preceding the cursor. But how much text should be used? I don't think that the longest possible tag makes sense, as that would mean, e.g., a method invocation in Python of form
would use the whole thing, even though that full term is unlikely to be indexed in the tag file. Instead, it would be better to just use method
as the candidate tag. A reasonable choice for many languages would then be to take the longest string of alphanumeric characters and underscores, right to left from the insertion point. Those choices lead to the handler:to determineSearchTerm given userIntervention:shouldAsk
set {startChar, nextChar} to selectionRange without extendingFront and extendingEnd
if startChar is equal to nextChar then
-- empty selection
if shouldAsk then
display dialog "Enter search term:" default answer "" with title "Find Definition"
on error number -128
error "User canceled" number 901
end try
text returned of result
-- try the whole line
set selectionContents to extendedSelectionText with extendingFront without extendingEnd
get shellTransform of the selectionContents for "" thru "sed -E -e 's/.*([[:<:]][[:alnum:]_]+)$/\\1/'" without alteringLineEndings
-- sed returns lines that are terminated with linefeeds, so get text before the final linefeed
paragraph -2 of the result
end if
-- just use the selection; there is too much variation in what could be a tag to guess
end if
end determineSearchTerm
The handlers presented in this post are enough to get the path to the tag file and a (partial) tag to search for. Next time, I'll connect these values from SubEthaEdit to the shell scripts handling the lookup.
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