Saturday, February 20, 2010

Exploring Ctags: Summary

To facilitate learning about Ctags, I've written two AppleScripts and several supporting shell scripts. These scripts were not written by an expert on Ctags, so there may be some sub-optimal, or outright wrong, choices in how they were implemented. Please let me know of any bugs found or suggestions for possible improvements.

The AppleScripts use Ctags to add a couple of features to SubEthaEdit (SEE). First, there is the text completion AppleScript, which looks up a string in the tag file and identifies possible matches. SEE already does text completion, but only in open files; by using Ctags as a basis for completions, matching symbols can be found across all the files in a large project. The second AppleScript finds definitions of selected symbols, again facilitating working with a large number of files.

The interactions with the tag file are handled using shell scripts. These are written to handle tag files created by invoking Exuberant Ctags with a variety of different options, notably including either absolute or relative paths and either numeric or ex pattern references for the location in the files. The shell scripts need to be placed somewhere on the paths defined in the AppleScripts; if in doubt, ~/Library/Application Support/SubEthaEdit/bin/ will work.

A zip archive with the scripts is available for download.

The scripts are described in a series of blog posts:

  1. Exploring Ctags: Motivations

  2. Find That Tags File!

  3. Tag Matching

  4. Ctags in SubEthaEdit

  5. Ctags from SubEthaEdit to the Shell

  6. Text Completions with Ctags in SubEthaEdit

  7. Finding Definitions with Ctags in SubEthaEdit

Update: I've added another AppleScript and accompanying shell script for creating or updating a tag file for the front document in SEE. These are now in the zip archive, available at the same download link given above.

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