Sunday, February 14, 2010

Find that Tags File!

Our first challenge in incorporating Ctags into an editor is locating the tags file. A first attempt might be to look for a file named tags in the same directory as the document in the frontmost editor window. But this isn't quite good enough. Ctags can create a tags file by recursively descending into subdirectories, so a useful tags file might be located somewhere higher in the directory tree.

It seems like there should be a standard shell command to search upward in the directory tree, but I couldn't find it. The task isn't really that hard, so I wrote a shell script climb to do it instead of spending more time fruitlessly searching. Usage is patterned after which. To look for a tags file that recursively indexed the present directory, just do climb tags. Options are available to set where the search starts and stops.

Here's my script:
# climb -- locate a file by ascending the directory tree
# climb [-b bottomdir] [-t topdir] filename
# Climb directory tree looking for a file named filename. The search
# starts by checking in the bottom directory (defaults to the current
# directory), with each parent directory checked until either the
# file is found or the top directory (defaults to root) is reached.

# Options allow setting the search range. Defaults are starting the
# search in the current directory and ending at root.

while getopts b:t: opt
case $opt in
b) upFrom="$OPTARG"
if ! [ -d "$upFrom" ]
echo $0: $upFrom: No such directory >&2
exit 2
# standardize the lowermost directory path
upFrom="$(cd "$upFrom" && pwd -P)"
t) upTo="$OPTARG"
if ! [ -d "$upTo" ]
echo $0: $upTo: No such directory >&2
exit 2
# standardize the uppermost directory path
upTo="$(cd "$upTo" && pwd -P)"
shift $((OPTIND - 1))


# To ensure termination, require that the uppermost directory is
# an ancestor of the directory where the search begins.
indx=$(awk -v d1="$upTo" -v d2="$upFrom" 'BEGIN { print index(d2, d1) }')
if ! [ $indx -eq 1 ]
echo $0: $upFrom is not a descendant of $upTo >&2

# Check each directory for the target file, moving up the directory tree
# until either the target is found or the uppermost directory has been
# searched. Both the lowermost directory and the uppermost directory
# are checked for the file.
while true
if [ -f "$upFrom/$targetFile" ]
if [ "X$upTo" = "X$upFrom" ] || [ -z "$upFrom" ] || [ "X$upFrom" = "X/" ]
exit 1
upFrom=$(dirname "$upFrom")

echo "$upFrom/$targetFile"

Most of the script deals with establishing the starting and ending points of the search, which I referred to in the script as the bottommost and topmost directories, respectively. They're put into a standardized format and tested for consistency, then used to define the search. The search is simple, amounting to nothing more than successively chopping off the last element of the directory path and seeing if the target file is in the resulting directory. The search stops when the topmost directory is reached, or when root is reached, just in case.

The script is general purpose, suitable for finding more than just tags files. I have mostly just called climb from AppleScripts in SubEthaEdit, with a pretty well-behaved file name and start directory. It may well be that more complex use would reveal bugs, so use with caution.

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